Naudinga literatūra
dr. Kurt Schnaubelt
Tai pirmasis mokslinės medicininės aromaterapijos veikalas, išverstas į lietuvių kalbą.
Savo sveikata daugiau turėtume rūpintis patys - tokia dr. K. Schnaubelto filosofija. Taikydami švelnų visapusį gydyma augalinėmis medžiagomis dažnai galime pasiekti geresnių rezultatų, negu vartodami stiprius vaistus, nes jie kartais sutrikdo natūralią kūno pusiausvyrą.
"Naujojoje aromaterapijoje" išsamiai aprašomi gydymo augaliniais preparatais ir savigydos būdai, patiekta plačiai naudojamų eterinių aliejų sudėtis, kokybės ypatumai bei poveikis žmogaus organizmui.
Iš aiškių ir suprantamų grafikų, lentelių sužinosite, kokius eterinius aliejus ar jų mišinius vartoti vienu ar kitu atveju, rasite patarimų, kaip pasirinkti tinkamiausią.
Knygoje apstu receptų, jie yra išmėginti bendrosios praktikos gydytojų. Visa informacija pagrįsta moksliniais tyrimais.
"Naujoji aromaterapija" yra pirmasis dr. K. Schnaubelt'o veikalas, padaręs didžiulį poveikį arpmaterapijos vystymuisi visame pasaulyje.
Knyga skiriama tiek sveikatos profesionalams, tiek plačiausiam skaitytojų ratui.
Valerie Ann Worwood
Leidėjų (Dvi Tylos) žodis:
Aromaterapija – veiksmingas ir saugus gydymo būdas, kai vaikui reikia pagalbos nuraminti emocijas, jausmus ir kūną stiprėjant, sveikstant po įvairių ligų ar neleidžiant joms atsirasti. Knygos autorė, viena žinomiausių klinikinės aromaterapijos specialisčių pasaulyje, aromapsichologijos sistemos inovatorė Valerie Ann Worwood, padės suprasti, kaip eterinių aliejų magiją galima pritaikyti namuose. Šioje knygoje rasite visus būtiniausius praktinius patarimus, kaip aromaterapija gali padėti kūdikio besilaukiančioms mamoms, šeimoms, auginančioms pilvo dieglių kamuojamą naujagimį, neramų paauglį, astma, alergija ir kitomis ligomis sergančius vaikus, taip pat neįgalius vaikus, ar kaip elgtis prasidėjus sezoniniam virusinių ligų laikotarpiui, ir kaip šias jautrias augalų substancijas naudoti saugiai ir patikimai.
Lietuvišką leidimą norėjome pripildyti natūralumu ne tik tekste, bet ir jo paraštėse, todėl iliustracijoms pasirinkome tikras aromaterapijoje naudojamas žoleles, augančias Lietuvos pievose. Visą vasarą rinkome ir džiovinome jas tarp vaikiškų pasakų knygų puslapių, tikėdami, kad taip jos spinduliuos dar daugiau vaikams skirtos ypatingos energijos. Neabejojame, skaitydami pajusite gydančią Lietuvos pievų galią.
Tikime, kad ši knyga ras savo vietą tarp natūralias, tikras, gydančias augalų galias vertinančių šeimų ir bus patikimas vadovas įvairiose situacijose, kai reikia patarimo slaugant vaikus.
Essential Oil Safety
A Guide for Health Care Professionals
Robert Tisserand Expert in Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Research, Ojai, CA, USA.
Rodney Young, PhD Lecturer in Plant Chemistry and Pharmacology, University of East London, London, UK.
Elselver Health Scienses , october 2013
"Parts of the book are highly technical, which is necessary to make the points that must be made, and it is very well referenced. This ensures that the book also has the widest usage possible in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, and that it is credible to the harshest of critics. It will help all health-care practitioners, whether or not they eventually decide to recommend aromatherapy to their patients, and of course to aromatherapists, who will have confidence in their practice."
Elizabeth M. Williamson
Contemporary French AROMATHERAPY
A Pharmacological and Therapeutic Guide to 100 Essential Oils
Foreword by Kurt Schnaubelt.
First published in 2020 by Singing Dragon.
"I have no doubt that because of its innovative approach to combining essential oils and the resulting highly efficient formulations, Contemporary French Aromatherapy will be a well-thumbed reference text on the desk of every serious aromatherapist."
Kurt Schnaubelt PhD, Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
Dr Joy’s Aromatherapy: Use essential oils with confidence for psyche, skin, medicine and health.
First Published in 2020 by Diem Capta Books.
"Joy is an extremely engaging and knowledgeable speaker and this comes over in her writing. Her sound scientific background is equally evident in the way she discusses what we can – or can’t derive from research. Here she has written a fascinating commentary on and introduction to how essential oils work, and how to use them safely for common physical and psychological afflictions."
Robert Tisserand Tisserand Institute
Aromatherapy for Health Professionals. 5th Edition
Shirley Price, Len Price, Penny Price
Elsevier; 5th edition (November 25, 2019). ISBN 978-0702074738
Now entering its 5th edition Aromatherapy for Health Professionals is an essential read for any professional wishing to practice aromatherapy in a clinical setting. It covers the theory and practice of essential oil science and the application of aromatherapy for specific conditions, giving an evidence based and in-depth presentation of the subject. Written by a highly experienced team of aromatherapists it is an authoritative guide for those wishing to use essential oils in a modern health care setting.
Contains an A-Z of essential oils including their chemistry and properties, allowing therapists to select the most effective oils for use in a clinical situation.
Includes a table giving the appropriate essential oils for different health conditions
Includes case studies to help the reader understand how to put the theory into practice.
The text is fully referenced and evidence based for use in a clinical setting.
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. Volume 1 Foundations and Materia Medica
Salvatore Battaglia
Black Pepper Creative Pty Ltd; Third Edition (January 1, 2018) ISBN 978-0648260608.
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition is internationally acclaimed, authoritative, and comprehensive textbook on aromatherapy. The 3rd edition, now over 630 pages, provides us with the most comprehensive essential oil monographs ever published. Each monograph includes a description of the botany and origins, organoleptic profile, chemical composition, a detailed history and traditional uses, a comprehensive review of the pharmacological and clinical studies, a detailed discussion on the actions and aromatherapy uses, blending tips and advice for the safe use and much more.
Other topics covered in Volume I
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy Third Edition is written for everyone who is passionate about aromatherapy and essential oils, whether it be for personal use, for the student of aromatherapy, for the professional aromatherapist or for the health professional.
About Salvatore Salvatore Battaglia has been passionate about natural therapies for most of his life. He holds qualifications in natural therapies, herbal medicine, acupuncture and aromatherapy. Salvatore’s dedication to aromatherapy has seen him hold positions in professional associations and government committees to ensure that the educational standards of professional aromatherapy are maintained and improved.
Understanding Hydrolats: The Specific Hydrosols for Aromatherapy: A Guide for Health Professionals. 1st Edition
Len Price, Shirley Price
Churchill Livingstone; 1st edition (August 23, 2004). ISBN 978-0443073168.
Distilled waters, or hydrolats, are therapeutic in many ways, and yet little has been written to clarify their properties and clinical applications. This book details the nature, properties (where known), and nomenclature of hydrolats, and gathers in one source the sure and sensible facts about distilled waters. Already used by aromatherapists interested in extending their therapeutic range, this book provides all therapists with the confidence to practice safely with a solid understanding of the value of hydrolats. Dispels confusion over what hydrolats and distilled waters actually are - equipping the therapist to make accurate choices in what to use for effective therapeutic interventions. Analyzes the science of hydrolats and sorts fact from wild claim. Extends the range of therapeutic interventions available to the practicing aromatherapist/massage therapist.
ISBN 978-0443073168.
CO2 Extracts in Aromatherapy offers well trained (clinical) aromatherapists insights on the possible use of over 50 CO2 extracts in clinical practice. Learn how they are made, what kind of molecules they possess, where they are similar, or different to other oils and extracts, about their often exquisite fragrances, what their properties can be, how you can use them in clinical applications, with examples of successful blends, which dosages are advised, about safety advice on CO2 extracts, a range of application methods, how some of our peers use CO2 extracts.
As one of the worlds very few pioneers in the use of CO2 extracts, the author has experimented extensively with these wonderful plant extracts in aromatic medicine and clinical aromatherapy, and studied available literature thoroughly. She continues to learn more every day on this fast developing, relatively new extraction methods and the wonderful botanicals that are now available to aromatherapists like you. Madeleine hopes this book will inspire you to adopt CO2 extracts in your practice too.
Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition): A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy
Jennifer Peace Rhind
ISBN 978-1787752290
Revised and significantly expanded, the latest edition of this handbook provides full information on the use of essential oils in the field of contemporary aromatherapy and aromatic therapy, based on the most up-to-date research evidence behind their therapeutic applications.
The third edition features a fully updated and expanded contents including detailed Aromatic Profiles of over 250 essential oils, absolutes and resinoids, a new chapter on the latest research in pharmacognosy to foster an understanding of how essential oils work, and a new chapter on formulating essential oils, based on theory and evidence and containing practical suggestions. The author provides a detailed account of how essential oils are created, how and where aromatherapy is used, and the underlying pharmacology and chemistry. This will be an indispensable text for all students and practitioners of aromatherapy and related disciplines, as well as anyone interested in the use of essential oils for health and well-being.
The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy
Kurt Shnaubelt, Ph.D.
ISBN 978-1594774256
Explores science’s new biological understanding of essential oils for improved immunity and treatment of degenerative diseases
Explains how essential oils convey the complex natural healing powers of plants, offering scientifically proven advantages over synthetic drugs
Offers revolutionary essential oil treatments to ameliorate the side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments as well as for hepatitis, osteoporosis, liver detoxification, and the prevention of UV damage and melanoma
Presents simple recipes and protocols for strengthening the immune system; for treatment of common ailments, such as colds, flu, herpes, and candida; and for pain management
Šioje svetainėje pateikta informacija yra edukacinio pobūdžio. Ji neturėtų būti naudojama kaip profesionalios medicininės konsultacijos, diagnozės ar gydymo pakaitalas. Svetainės autoriai ir administracija neatsako už pasekmes, kurie gali atsirasti dėl čia pateiktos informacijos naudojimo. Bet kokios informacijos, pateiktos šioje svetainėje, naudojimas yra jūsų pačių rizika ir atsakomybė.